So, how to get bigger arms? With beaches and shorts right around the corner – OR in our faces here in Hawaii – the two questions I get or hear are “how do I get bigger arms,” and “how do I get a six-pack?” And no – you cannot get one at the local 7-11.So, let’s talk about the arms first (abs tomorrow).
How to Get Bigger Arms
First, a full disclosure – with arms big enough to make Pee-Wee Herman blush; I readily admit you will never mistake me for Chris Hemsworth (I’m short and have short, black hair). The Lou Holtz theory (the idea that a 150 lb. man should be able to lift that much weight) still rings true for me when I speak about growing strong arms; man – soaking wet – can teach a 300 lbs. How to be a pulling guard as a teenager?
When most individuals ask this question, they’re referring to the diameter of their biceps rather than the size of their arms as a whole.
It’s just that time of the year. Look at all the most popular websites, and all of them are hawking one “bigger biceps” program.
How To Grow Biceps And Triceps In Six Simple Steps 
Depending on who’s counting, your body contains about 640 muscles. However, much as your elementary school teacher paid extra attention to the class’s “pets,” you have a disproportionate fondness for your biceps. They’re little muscles, and if your arm routines don’t include a lot of biceps and triceps curls, they’re not going to become much larger.
Read more: 6 Ways to Build Up Your Biceps.
10 Ways to Boost Biceps and Triceps Size
The dumbbell curl has helped us gain larger biceps for decades, but it also seems to have taken away our inventiveness. After all, how frequently do you experiment with fresh variations of this age-old arm exercise? If it isn’t every four weeks, you should change your routine to get quicker results.
As a result, stories on “getting larger arms and biceps” will be all the rage in the weeks leading up to summer. By following some particular exercise you can reshape your dumbbell curls, increase your muscles mass in any particular muscle group.
I bring this up because it is one of the most often topics I am asked or that comes up in my conversations.
And in all cases, I always mention that you have to work your triceps and make that muscle the priority to get bigger arms. I will also explain that those ham hocks account for 2/3 of an upper arm’s size.
At this point, most look at me with this vague – what’s he yakking about look…
Thinking I need to clarify…
I begin by explaining the ideal appearance of a well-proportioned arm. The rear of the upper arm is swept to the back, whereas the front of the upper arm has a long, straight muscle that stops at the inner elbow. The upper arm is counterbalanced by robust forearms….blah, blah, blah.
Because at this point, my “audience” (mostly one or two) is looking at me like I have three heads, and they don’t know which to listen to.
Big Biceps…
Get it
Big Biceps…
As in, how to get…
Okay, I get it, big biceps – so here it is…
But first (oh God, what now!)
Getting big muscles is not the same as getting strong.
Your biceps get a ton of work – often intense – from all the pulling and rowing work you do for your back. You will pull more weights and tonnage with bent-over rows and pull-downs than you will ever do with curls (unless you’re an amateur, high-level wrestler). You will do more gripping work with deadlifts and so on.
There is no guarantee that your hard effort will payout in the form of huge biceps. Strengthening the back and shoulders while also working on the biceps is possible, but the gains will be modest.
I’m aware that many people advise limiting biceps training because of the amount of time you spend working your back. However, if you want huge biceps, you’ll have to get in there and operate them.
In his essential work, Visual Impact Muscle Growth, Rusty states that muscle building is about muscle exhaustion. More than that, it’s cumulative fatigue. It’s fatigue that builds on already fatigued muscle. You can read more about my thoughts on the Rusty program here at Bucking Conventional Wisdom with Visual Impact Muscle Building.
This is a critical point.
Strength training doesn’t truly fatigue your muscles.
High-intensity ala Mike Mentzer can fry your muscles, but fatigue is – not really.
Fatigue comes over, as Rusty advocates, over a decent range of sets and reps.
So, here’s a biceps building course that you can try or tweak:
Exercise 1 – Alternating Dumbbell Curls
Five sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 15 Set of 6 must be hard Cut weight in half and crank out 15 reps on the last set Rest no more than 30 seconds between sets No stopping between reps – to go to your desired number of repetitions, keep curling. Keep your elbows tight, but when you supinate hard at the top, you may move it forward.
Exercise 2 – Steep Preacher or Spider Bench Curls: 21 Reps
Three sets First 7 reps curl from bottom to halfway up. On the 8th rep, curl to the top and only come down halfway from the top on the next seven reps. At the top of each rep, squeeze hard before releasing. On the 8th rep, release to the bottom and do seven full reps. Weight isn’t a factor in determining success. Form and completing a full set of 21 repetitions are essential. Your biceps will be burned and fried from the elbow insertion to the shoulders. You’re going to love it.
Exercise 3 – Set a timer for one rep of each of the following:
Sets of two to three Repetitions Per Set: Keep your biceps in mind as you pull up. It won’t be easy, but that is exactly why it is beneficial.
Key Points
It’s not about the weights or how heavy you lift – apart from that 1 set of 6 reps – it’s all about the pump and burns. Muscular development does not occur as a result of moving larger and heavier weights around; instead, muscle growth occurs due to pumping more blood into the muscle. Before releasing, flex your biceps forcefully at the peak of each rep.
That final aspect, I believe, is crucial. In front of a mirror, stand sideways. Your bicep should be flexed to see the outside of your arm. You’ll be staring at the outside of your left biceps if your left side is facing the mirror. Squeeze your hand firmly and move it closer to your shoulders. I promise that your biceps peak will increase by a quarter inch.
At the peak of each repetition, you should aim for an arduous contraction.
Here it is — my solution to the age-old problem of acquiring larger arms.
Okay – not really…
It’s not about bigger arms, but all about the BICEPS…
Ask anyone to show you how big their arm is, and he or she will flex the biceps. Not the triceps. Not the Forearms.
The Biceps
Oh, yeah!
Now there are many great gurus out there, with a lot of great programs for killer biceps. So here they are:
Killer Biceps by Jim Brewster Arm Building Routine by Franco Columbu My Quest to Build the Perfect Bicep by Larry Scott