How about doing your yoga sessions with your 2 other friends in a completely new way? Surprised? Well, the idea is a bit too amazing to perform but there is a secure possibility of you having great fun, joy, and adventure while doing this. Yoga challenge poses for 3 is all that you need to spice it up with your friends.
With many of us being terribly bored doing our isolated yoga sessions at home, yoga is about to add a bit of spice to it. As we say the more the better, yoga with a twist can help it prove right!!
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Yoga challenge poses is surely difficult to attain but all other required is your strong will and balance. While as you modify the challenges or poses of yoga, this hits the boundary line of acrobats and yoga. Â For this very reason, many of us would name this type of yoga Acro yoga.
What is Acro Yoga?

Acro yoga is a different kind of yoga that can be thought of as an amalgamation of yoga, acrobats, and aerobics. It is unique in its poses as well as its demands. Acro yoga is all about a high level of focus, determination, and strength. Along with the increased levels of flexibility, acro yoga is more about body strength than any other thing.
Normally acro yoga is practiced between 2 people but with the increase in participants number the complexity and uniqueness rises. When doing acro, the poses move around the three basic terms for the participants to learn and understand their position.
If you a beginner in yoga, take a look at the 13 best stretches to do every day. It will help you to learn about the essential yoga poses that help to keep yourself fit.
3 person yoga challenge
To understand and learn the not-so-familiar poses of acro yoga or we can simply say yoga challenge poses for 3, there are specific terms that we need to know.
Let us know the basics first:
Just as the name indicates, this is the person who forms the foundation for the others above. This person mostly lies straight on the ground providing the base to others above. The person performing the base should be adequately high in body strength and support as it gives the sense of confidence to the others above to conquer the pose completely. This person has a crucial role while practicing yoga challenge poses for 3.
After defining the bass player, it’s now time to mention the ones that stand on that base. Yes, these are the flyers, the person fully or partially supported by the base to be airborne. When we are discussing yoga challenge poses for 3 people, flyers can be one or two in this case. The flyer must have good body control so that he or she can easily divide the bodyweight while being airborne and showcasing the poses.
This job is completely basic but does works in some poses. A Spotter is basically a person that helps and directs the pose correctly when the others are performing. A Spotter in one pose may change to a flyer in the next. It is completely optional and can be skipped in many poses of practice.
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Yoga Challenge Poses For 3
Just now as we are familiar with the basic terms of acro yoga, now we can finally move on to the yoga challenge poses. Like every other type of yoga, I have listed down some of the poses considering them simpler than others.
As these poses are not known with a proper name, yet I have tried my best to name them so forming them becomes an easier task.
The Plank Pose
Like all other types of yoga, the plank can not be missed in yoga challenge poses for 3. This plank pose is about making planks one on another all stacked on each other. The main difficulty in this pose is that the base supports two flyers above and the flyers must be able to adjust their body weights evenly.
In such a stacked plank pose, the feet of the first flyer is balanced on the shoulder blades of the base while the second flyer balances his feet on the shoulder blades of the first flyer.
This pose is all about focus and full-body toning.
Lord Of Dance Pose
For manufacturing the sense of harmony and togetherness, we consider this pose extremely valuable and boosting. This pose is done by the strong support of your other partners helping you to achieve balance.
To perform this pose, hold each other’s hands and balance your full body weight on one leg while bending the other in the air.
To perform this pose, the harmony between the body and the mind is highly valuable.
Person Whale Pose
This pose in acro yoga works best as a duo while the third person acts as a Spotter. This pose works the core and the muscles of the arms and legs of the bass player while the flyer faces the deep stretch in its back and all the way down to feet.
The Spotter here works to check k stretch and extension of the performing participants.
To start this pose, the base participant lifts the legs up and stretches the arms towards the sky. The flyer participant will work its spine and settles its shoulders on the base person’s feet while placing its feet in his hands.
Downward Dog Pose
This pose is the basic transition for the old school downwards dog pose to the L shape pose. This pose also works the core and arms muscles of the person and is a great pose for practicing yoga challenge poses for 3.
To get started with this pose, the first person gets down to the basic Downward Dog pose. The second partner will place the palms stretched on the ground while placing the feet on the hip bone of the first partner. This will create the Half L shape.
The third person will then do the same but will form a proper L shape with the support of 2nd partner.
Downward Pyramid Pose
This pose works with a different principle. Here we have two bases upon which 1 flyer will balance and form the pyramid shape for the pose.
To get into this pose, the two bases will bend forward close to one another with their feet hips apart. The flyer will then balance the whole body weight in between hands and feet which are balanced over the hip bone of both bases.
To create more of a change out of the pose, the flyer can create a variation by pulling out the leg in an Upward direction making a more prominently pyramid shape.
Or else a hip bend will also perform the deal.
Double Plank Press Pose
In this pose, there is usually one base with one flyer balances on the feet making a T shape. But with the addition of one person in our yoga challenge poses for 3 people, the pose Modifies, and a single base balances two planks on it.
To get started, the base person will stretch the arms and legs perpendicular to the body while lying on the ground.
The first flyer will balance the body on the feet of the base while the other flyer will place the waist on the base person’s hands and stretch outwards.
This pose requires immense balance and control and arms strength.
Front Plank With Vertical Flyer Pose
In this pose, there is usually one base with one flyer balances on the feet making a T shape. But with the addition of one person in our yoga challenge poses for 3 people, the pose Modifies, and a single base balances two planks on it.
To get started, the base person will stretch the arms and legs perpendicular to the body while lying on the ground.
The first flyer will balance the body on the feet of the base while the other flyer will place the waist on the base person’s hands and stretch outwards.
This pose requires immense balance and control and arms strength.
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Flying Handstand Pose
Another not-so-easy yoga challenge poses for 3 yet last one on our list is the flying handstand. You might think how could a handstand be difficult but think of it as a flying one. The first thing that comes to your mind is to topple over.
The person who has mastered handstand solely can do it in the air while the other two will support him.
To get started, the two bases sit close to one another and placing hands on each other’s shoulders. The flyer will then place the arms on one of the base persons’ shoulders while one of the people on base will support the flyer’s shoulder. This will ensure support for the flyer.
Tips To Take Care Of
- By humble towards yourself and your body. Do not rush towards the more completed poses. You can always start with your own customized and easy poses just as your body likes them.
- If you are an amateur then starting to practice yoga challenge poses for 3 from the beginning isn’t a good idea. Try to hire a trainer or join a club so that you can require help at any time. This will also help to reduce the injury risk as you are new to the poses and complexity.
- Practice each pose giving it full time and attention
- Work on your concentration and strength before heading towards such completed poses
- You can always work your ways out to form some new and more challenging poses.
Can You Lose Weight With Yoga?
Yoga can tone your body type and improves your metabolism. Improved metabolism is all about reducing your fats bodies and better digestion. Furthermore, restorative yoga poses can surely effect the belly fat in women specially. Check out our article yoga for flat belly in 1 week and find some great rips for you.
So, in the above-mentioned articles for yoga challenge poses for 3 I hope anyone of you who is interested in the acro yoga poses will find a great deal of help and information. Acro yoga is all about adding a bit more complexity to your basic yoga including your partners or friends. I hope doing all of the above poses with your friends will help you find a great deal of mental bond with them and will encourage the feelings like trust and comfort.